代写Essay-Quantitative proposal evaluations
In this part, an evaluation will be given about the proposal to evaluate Routes into Languages activities. First there will be a short introduction to the proposal, and then all the positive feedback will be summarized in the second paragraph, in the following chapter I’ll focus on the shortcomings in the proposal, and try to put forward some useful suggestions for improvements.
This proposal aims at monitoring a language promotion activity, Routes into Languages, orchestrated by a team at the University of Southampton. As it was discussed a lot, learning foreign languages is of great importance. Routes into languages provide a large variety of activities to promote language learning in schools in the UK. According to this proposal, all pupils who take part in language activities during the academic year 2015-2016 will be asked to answer the questions listed in a questionnaire after attending the event. Once the questionnaires are received, they will be entered in a data matrix, checking for mistakes in the meanwhile. After all the data are collected at the end of the year, multiple statistic methods will be applied to analyze those data. And at last a regression model will be used to determine the impacts of demographic variables and the type of events on the pupils’ satisfaction.
In this proposal, the author gives us a brief but detailed description of what this research is all about, why it is important, how it’ll be conducted, the sampling method and how the data will be analyzed. From my point of view, it’s a proposal which consists of most of the necessary parts that a good proposal requires. What’s more, it takes the data feasibility into consideration. They choose to ask the participants to fill in the questionnaires directly after the events, in which case, they can assure a very high response rate. Also, the questionnaires are designed to be simple and clear in order to satisfy the time limits for filling in them. The last but not least, they follow the scientific pattern in the analysis part. They don’t perform the statistics until all the data are checked and more importantly they don’t rely on one single way to analyze those data.
Despite all these merits, we can’t deny that there is still room for improvements. To begin with, the structure of the proposal is not good enough. It didn’t give a clear statement on the aims and objectives, research questions and methodology. From a more micro point of view, the details of the proposal can also be improved. First of all, the population of interest is biased. Although the sample covers all the events and all pupils who take part in the event, it fails to take the calendar effects into consideration. One academic year can’t represent the total population since Routes into languages lasts for several years till now. The best way is to randomly select those who participate different events during different years. What’s more, the order of the piloted experiment and the practical survey is not right. The questionnaires should first be piloted to check whether all questions are clear and until we make sure that they are correctly understood we can send them to schools. More importantly, the questionnaire needs further improvement from several aspects. Question No.2, No.3 and No.10 are missing. In question 5, the age span is too short. It should be enlarged and an ‘other category’ should be set to cover the unexpected age span. In question 7 to 11, the extent of agreement should be either in ascending order or descending order. In other words, the correct order should be strongly agree, agree, not sure and disagree, or the opposite. The last but not least, the reference list is not sorted alphabetically by first author surname.
All in all, the proposal to evaluate Routes into Languages is clear and detailed. However, we can improve it in two directions, which are the macro and micro way. From the macro point of view, we should add necessary chapter in this proposal, including aims and objectives, research questions and methodology. From the micro point of view, we can improve in the sampling method, the data collection method and the questionnaire design. With all the improvements made, it’ll be a complete and perfect research proposal.